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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

God is good to me and I am happy to have faith for this new year 2010

I still don't have the skills to make a really beautiful blog with all the bells and whistles but I do ty to speak from the heart. I have had a difficult start to the new year but I am relying on my faith in God to pick me up so that I can be ready to take care of my grandchildren and my daughters have a mom to come to. I lost my mom when I was in my early 20's and I remember praying to God that I could live long enough for my children to reach age 20. I had a very abusive husband and I just couldn't leave my 2 precious girls with him because he was a sick man and he couldn't do it. I kept praying for him and hoped for 25 years that God would change him but I finally believed that as long as I stayed there with him my husband would never turn to God. It is kind of a strange thing that I was married to him for 25 years and 2 years later he is dying with lung cancer and I end up going back to the home we worked on for 6 years together and I stayed with him to care for him until his last day. It took about 3 months for him to pass away and during that time I never saw my husband happier in all my married years. He was so extremely happy to have me home with him that he would look over to me and say how nice this was to be together with my daughters watching a movie on a Saturday nite. I am so happy that it did end this way because I did see a change in my husband and I got to sing to him every nite that he was scared and layng in his hospital bed which we had set up in the living room. It was a terribly hard thing to do to watch someone you love leave this earth and watch cancer eat him up as he tried so hard to live. Even the hospice nurse that came to the house to check on him couldn't believe how hard he fought to live and she cried when he died. It is too bad that you don't realize what you have until it is gone. My husband had loved me even though he never came home, and he treated me like a trained dog and I don't want to go into details on the years of abuse. It is just too much to dwell on the bad. I just want to concentrate on the good that did come out of this. My 2 wonderful daughters and my 2 gtrandchildren. I learned that my husband wasn't mean and the way he was because he was an alcoholic but he had a real depression and mental illness issue that he never realized and of couse I didn't either. I just thought he was a very mean man who treated our daughters horribly. Many people would say how lucky I was to have a husband to help me look after my children but I wouldn't say anything but inside I would think if they only knew how hard it actualy was for me to have a husband that hurt me and my girls so much!!! I know that people don't undersgtand. I was from Canada and when I moved to Chicago with my husband in 1985 I had no money, no green card to get a job with and of course without any money no way to move my girls back to Canada. I certainly couldn't see how my children would go through that big change in schools and live a much different economic life that we had been accustomed to. My husband did well in his job because I helped (enabled) him to keep it for 25 years and he climbed the ladder to making a very good income and I didn't want to fight with him over what he loved the most, his money. He would always threaten to take my children and leave with them and I would never see them again.

I just am sad that my husband never got the help he needed to be a happy person but it is the mentally ill that will never seek help because they don't believe or see that they need the help. When I left my husband after 25 years he had never opened a can of soup, ran the dishes or clean his clothes or go to the grocery store. He was so totally dependant on me to do everything in his life for him. I cooked, cleaned, paid the bills, hired the maintenance men to fix whatever was broken in our home or with the car, and even packed his bags for him for his business trips. the trips were my girls and my relief from the stress of life with an alcoholic with mental issues. I have fibromyalgia now and 8 percent of the people that have this disease have been abused in their life. I hope to shed some light on this disease and the disease of addiction and to help those who need hope to find it in a God that is ready and waiting to hear their prayers anytime they want to. God is good and without Him in my life I don't know how I would have made it? God saved my life so many times and I will write about this as time goes by this year! It is kind of healing to jsut write about my life without the worry of it being perfect and just being honest in what I write.

Good night and God bless you if you are hurting emotionally or physically!!!

Joni :-)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

LOL I really am not getting this Blog deal?

I don't know how to do this blogging thing but I want to give it a try! I need to write me thoughts down somewhere even if they are just for myself!! It is kind of like journaling but with the possibility of others being bored with my not so exciting life. I am in my new fuzzy soft PJs and sitting on my bed with my laptop on my lap and watching the football game at the same time as I write? Hum Wonder why my writing is so scattered? I am happy that Christmas is past and we have another year before it hits again. I do like Christmas day it is the 3 months before it when I am thinking about where am I going to get the money to buy the gifts for all the family members that I love so much! This year I suggested to everyone that we just focus on the little children and us big kids should just be happy with that and of course just as I do every year I end up buying something for everyone. I crochet so I of course give something crocheted to those that I know love my work. This year it was the fingerless gloves which I have always called wristlets until they started calling little purses with a strap for the wrist , wristlets. This makes it confusing so I went with the fingerless gloves and everyone seemed to understand this. I should have listened to my daughter and my best friend to list these a long time ago. I could kick myself!!!! I did see a lot of intricate styles of wristlets out there but my soft, fluffy, warm and colorful ones went really well. I had buy one for $19.99 and get the second pair for half price. This went very well and of course then I had to offer to wrap for people who were sending gifts to loved ones that lived out of State. IT started with offering a young man's mother's birthday present in which he chose a black cloche with black flower and black ribbon. Hope she likes black as much as I do? He was so thrilled with me wrapping his gift to his mom that it gave me a real sense of joy!! I am a people pleaser and that is one thing that is important to me. It is good and it is bad. On Etsy, where I sell my crocheted items, I always want to know if my customers are happy with their purchase? I cannot stand it to wonder if it fit them or they really weren't happy with the way it turned out when they tried the hat on or the fingerless gloves. I work so hard to get the package out the next day and usually get whatever they order out to them within 4 days at the most till they get it at their home. That has made a real impression on a lot of my customers. I cannot believe it when I see other people offering 2 to 3 weeks to make someone a hat or whatever? I don't know if I ever want to be so busy that it takes me 3 weeks to get out my work? I guess my paypal accoun t would be nice and big and that I could like for sure!!! I then decided to offer wrapping to anyone sending a present out of state for Christmas. I also have been including a cuff (bracelet) as a thank you for buying from my online shop. It is a surprise and I am always happy to know that they will be surprised when I am wrapping up the hat in tissue paper and tucking the cuff inside! LOL I had a wonderful lady write a lot on her beautiful blog about my quick turn around and she ordered a bunch of things for her sister and neice in Wisconsin and more for herself too!! Her blog is so beautiful that it makes me feel lacking in this one? There is snow falling over her words, and music playing softly as I read and look over her Blog and I am intimidated but if I don't start somewhere then I will never learn how to do this. I am a big talker and it extends to my writing. I just let the words flow out of my mouth onto the paper without any regard for whether it is in paragraphs, grammat or even spelling. People usually don't mind my letters but this is a bit different. IF you don't like what I have to say then you don't need to read it and I won't be hurt.

I may get into what I hope for this year! I am done with resolutions that never happen for me. I resolve to do something like working out every day and it lasts for a bit but then I miss a day or two and I get down on myself so I figure I won't make any this year. This doesn't mean that I plan to do nothing with my life. I want to share my life with all the people that I love and that love me too! I love to talk to the lonely people in the world. The ones that are too young to have earned any respect yet and the ones that are very old and are lonely too. I have always loved the elderly because they have a child like quality that I find so sweet!! They are just so appreciative of your time and your interest in what they have to say. My grandchildren are so wonderful and so sweet that I am never tired of seeing their eyes light up as they see me coming. I can still picture them last year when I came driving up to their house on a sunny day and there they both were sitting on the grass at the end of the driveway waiting for me, Oma. I don't even have my car door open and they are right there. I think it must be a little bit like what happens to a celebrity when they are greeted with cheers but I wouldn't want any other audience than those 2 beaming little faces looking into my face. I feel young when I am with my grandchildren. I will tell you about them first. The oldest one is Ella and she turned 7 in September. Ella is a doll and so sweet and innocent!!! She has my sense of humor and we can laugh and laugh over the littlest of things. I love how she has a connection with me where I can look into her eyes and see the laughter ready to bubble out. I love to hear her laugh! When she was born she had a hole in her heart and we didn't know about it until she was about 4 years old!! It is so horrible to think about how that little sweet girl was so good and so easy to please when little did her mom realize that she was having bathroom accidents because she was retaining water due to the heart. The hole was apparently leaking blood a lot and the poor little thing didn't even have the ability to tell us something was wrong nor would she know what it was to feel normal. I will never forget the sight of her sitting in the hospital bed in her purple nightie with her Elmo in her arms. I laugh when I tell her now with Elmo being 7 years old and her sleeping with him it has caused him to need some sewing up if you know what I mean. I tell Ella that Elmo needs a little surgery to get him fixed up and she laughs and laughs about this. Ella was playing in the toy room the 2nd day after her open heart surgery but the wounds to her spirit were much harder to heal. Ella had such a panic where she had been fearless prior to the surgery. They had her on a pain block, morphine and then within hours they went to plain tylenol. I watched as they attempted to remove the tubes and the panic she would get in her eyes when the nurse would come over to her to check her out. She didn't want to be touched and was afraid that it would really hurt. I was very upset because I asked for pain meds for her around noon and the nurse went and got the morphine for her. This really helped her out a lot and I took her for a little walk in the wheel chair around the hospital. What I didn't know was that they were moving her out of the intensive care unit to another room and they did this around 6:00. It had been 6 hours since she had any pain medication at all and I will never forget what happened when they told her to walk over to the bed in the room. As soon as her little feet hit the floor she was on her tip toes and crying with agony at every step. It makes me cry to think about it still. Why wouldn't the nurse have known to give her pain medication when you have had your ribs spread open less than 12 hours before that she would need it to walk to another bedroom? That summer Ella had panic when she would try to swim, or do anything that had any chance of being hurt and I think it was because she never expected the level of pain that she felt with the surgery. Most children never experience such a pain and her faith in what would hurt and what wouldn't was destroyed. Everything that potentially could cause her to have pain threw her into a panic attack!! Ella is so much like I am in personality. She is on the shy side and she is very loving with a good sense of humor and very easily pleased. Thank God that time has healed most of the memory of this surgery. It was good that it happened when she was so young. Ella asked me recently what that scar was from on her chest and would it go away? Jaden is my grandson and he is 5 years old and totally different from his sister. Jaden is so outgoing and carefree. Jaden talks and talks about everything and he is very intelligent. When he was only 3 years old he could tell me that I was drinking water that I bought from Hyvee, a grocery store around here. I couldn't believe that he knew what that tiny word on the bottle was just by going to the grocery store and seeing it everywhere on items, the signs etc. When I bought him a Cars (the movie) pair of goggles he asked me at the pool with his loud voice "Oma where did you get these goggles? Walgreens?" I laughed so much because he always has to mention where he has purchased everything. He remembers things so well!! Jaden went through a lot of health issues as well but more when he was born. The ob/gyn wouldn't admitt my daughter and she knew that she was going into labor but the doctor said he wasn't going to be there at the hospital all night long. Little did the doctor know, even though when he had listened to the heartbeat of the baby at the check up, that the umbilical chord was wrapped around Jaden's neck. He did send my daughter out of the hospital to his own office to have the ultrasound taken because he made more money on it. My daughter ended up in the hospital around 4 in the morning and he was born fairly quickly but because the chord was wrapped around his neck for so long he had real problems and had to be helicoptered off to the big hospital;'s prenatal intensive care for 3 weeks. To this day he has a fear of eating foods and he is real thin. He has digestive issues and seems to remember that he cried for 6 months every time he would drink a bottle of formula he got terrible cramps. Anything that is white like bread, cake, ice cream cake, potatoes and a lot more foods he is to this day afraid to eat and when he tried to force himself to take some bites it isn't long before he is gagging. It is so sad when you see a child trying his best to eat to please us and then he gaggs. I right away tell him he did a good job trying and tell him he is a good boy for trying. I am very worried about why this is still a problem for him at 5 years old? Jaden is very thin for his age. He was a perfect weight but he has lost a lot of weight this year even though he is growing like he should in the height and weight? My daughter has had himt o many specialists and they have no answers for her regarding his problems. I think my daughter will need to take him again to a gastro doctor for a scope so that they can look inside to see why he gets such stomach pain when he eats and why it goes right through him in diarehea. I am a member of a group that is all about allergies to foods and I am horrified at what this ocuntry allows big business to do withour food. We are the only country that Kraft can use Coal Tar based food coloring on the Mac and Cheese to give it the nice yellow look but it is known that this actually turns off some of the digestive enzymes and causes hyperactivity and attention Defecit disorder. Kraft makes the mac and cheese for Europe and Canada in a whole different formula where it isn't that brilliant yellow color that we have here. It is a lighter color by far. They just allowed these food colorings to be used since 1994. The rate of food allergies has sky rocketed and the children are the ones that get hit the most. They use the bad kind of food coloring in the vitamins, cough syrup, antibioitics, juices, in fresh salmon, on our fruit to cover bruises and on and on and on!!!! I really think they need to do something about this. Well I thought I wouldn't know what to twrite but I think perhaps I have written too much.!!! People are going to think I am a nut!! LOL Well my hands and arms are hurting a lot even though I am using a lap top. I will say good nite since it is 9:37 PM and I am very tired.

God bless to anyone who takes the time to read this!!

Joni :-)

Thanks for stopping by and viewing my Thoughts

Thanks for visiting my blog! Remember that if you have the chance to visit my facebook site and become a member then you will receive free shipping on my 2 online shops. My Etsy and Artfire shops are where I sell my crocheted hats of all different styles, some crocheted jewelry, scarves and other creations that are still floating around in my head! To get free shipping with the facebook credit it is very simple. Join my facebook then when you purchase at my shops you contact me right after you make your purchase. Mention this code: fbfriend and your shipping fees will be credited right away! :-) Fb friends also receive previews of new items that I haven't posted to my shops yet!On my facebook site you will see the kind of things that I have created in the photos posted there in albums. The Rapid Cart that you see allows you to purchase those items right here on my blog!
Hope you take advantage of this great deal and make it a great day! :-)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Thanks for visiting my blog! Remember that if you have the chance to visit my facebook site and become a member then you will receive free shipping on my 2 online shops. My Etsy and Artfire shops are where I sell my crocheted hats of all different styles, some crocheted jewelry, scarves and other creations that are still floating around in my head! To get free shipping with the facebook credit it is very simple. Join my facebook then when you purchase at my shops you contact me right after you make your purchase. Mention this code: fbfriendfreeship and your shipping fees will be credited right away thru Paypal! :-) Fb friends also receive previews of new items that I haven't posted to my shops yet!On my facebook site you will see the kind of things that I have created in the photos posted there in albums. The Rapid Cart that you see right here on my blog allows you to purchase right here in my blog! How cool is this! It is an easy ttansaction because you don't need to join Artfire, the payment process is a 3 step one with Paypal and that is it! Your hand crocheted items will be on their way to your mailbox within a couple of days! The other service I offer that is pretty cool is free gift wrapping for all occasions!! If you have a loved one that lives out of State and you don't want to send them a gift card to a store. At my shop you can pick out what you think your would bring a smile to your loved ones face and pay for it right there and that is all you do! On my end I get busy wrapping the gift you have chosen with the appropriate paper and send the present directly to the gift recipient and the bill goes to you unless you want the bill to go to your friend? Just picture your beautifully wrapped, handmade crocheted cloche, or jewelry arriving at their door and when they open it up it is a soft, quality, set of fingerless gloves or a warm cute cloche with a flower on it! It brings back the personal touch in the shopping experience that has become so cold with the gift cards and you don't even know what they ever get?
Hope you take advantage of this great deal and make it a great day! :-)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Thanks for visiting my blog! Remember that if you have the chance to visit my facebook site and become a member then you will receive free shipping on my 2 online shops. My Etsy and Artfire shops are where I sell my crocheted hats of all different styles, some crocheted jewelry, scarves and other creations that are still floating around in my head! To get free shipping with the facebook credit it is very simple. Join my facebook then when you purchase at my shops you contact me right after you make your purchase. Mention this code: fbfriend and your shipping fees will be credited right away! :-) Fb friends also receive previews of new items that I haven't posted to my shops yet!On my facebook site you will see the kind of things that I have created in the photos posted there in albums. Now you can shop right from my facebook page by clicking on the Artfire Kiosk tab next to the Photos tab. No account needed with Artfire to purchase, just a Paypal account with which to make the payment for your purchase. The Rapid Cart that you see allows you to purchase those items right here on my blog!
Hope you take advantage of this great deal and make it a great day! :-)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Another Saturday nite - actually Sunday 1;49 A.M. still online!

I am such a hack as far blogging goes! LOL I don't even text yet and that texting language is foreign to me. Why people want to text instead of just calling via the phone and having a chat? I think that no one has the time anymore? Where did all the time go? I remember people fighting the computer and fearing that no one would leave their homes because they could just live a virtual life on the computer. I used to laugh and think that this would never happen but now I see that more and more people are sharing their thoughts through their blogs and more and more teens socialize thru chat rooms. It is kind of sad but then again I enjoy the fact that the world is so much smaller via the computer. I have been able to find my cousins that I had lost touch with and also my nieces and nephews. My sister passed away of lung cancer and left behind 3 wonderful children that I adore. Unfortunately my sister was an alcoholic and addict and was terribly abused by both of the husbands that she had married. I couldn't do anything about it because I lived so far away in Chicago and my darling sister lived in St Catherines, Ontario Canada. I couldn't help my sister, Cathy, even when I called her daily and talked to her for hours. Cathy had just finally after terrible physical and verbal, emotional abuse, gathered the courage and the faith to leave her husband and start a new wonderful life. Cathy had a nice little apartment and was a recovering addict. The ironic thing in life is that you better be careful what you wish for because it just might happen. My sister wished she was dead and no sooner had she just started to love life again when she discovered she had terminal lung cancer with less than a year to live. The last year of my sister's life was amazing. We became as close as we were when we shared a bedroom as little girls. Cathy had a great sense of humor and we laughed and laughed all the time on the phone. I miss my sister very much but my faith in God keeps me having peace in the knowing that my sister is in heaven, a better place and I will see her again. I will talk some more about this tomorrow. Hopefully not at the same time of the day. I need to be sleeping by this time and getting up rested. More later.Back to crocheting and watching TV on Monday. Tomorrow is my grandson's 5th birthday party and I have much to do! Happy week end to all!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Joni's Crochet Creations

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    I love my Maltese, Gracie, who is a puppy in my profile picture. I have 2 beautiful daughters and 2 beautiful grandchildren that are 6 and 4 years old. I love the ocean and since I don't live near it I love to travel! I have been blessed enough to travel a lot to almost every beach on the East Coast down to the Florida Keys and around to New Orleans. I have been on beaches in California, and Vancouver Island. I love cruises and have been to San Juan, St Thomas, St Martin and St Croix, Cozumel, Grand Caymans, Puerto Viarta and there are too many to list. I love God and wouldn't be alive without Him in my life!! God has blessed me to be happy in the midst of terrible things going on in my life at times.